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newport events

Rockin’ Out For Humanity Benefit Dance

Rockin’ Out For Humanity Benefit Dance

Need something different to do? Sick of the same old date nights? Ready to get out and shake off the winter blues?
Come join the Orleans County Board of Realtors as we raise money for our local Habitat for Humanity chapter. Tickets are $35/each and are being pre-sold ONLY and can be purchased through any OCBR Realtor OR at any of the following real estate offices:
*Century 21 Farm and Forest
*REMAX All Seasons Realty
*Big Bear Real Estate
What fun is in store for you?
~Raized on Radio will be there providing the entertainment
~We will have 2 food trucks available to purchase food
~Cash bar
~50/50 Tickets will be sold
~Live Auction to take place with excellent items up for grabs
~Lots and Lots of dancing, laughs and good times
This is an event where it is all about neighbors helping neighbors. Most community members don’t realize that our area has a Habitat chapter so our hope is that we can bring awareness to local residents of this resource and raise money to help fund these projects. A little bit can go a long way!