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running and swimming

Splash, Sprint, Savor.

In the Newport area, a haven for outdoor enthusiasts, the last 15 years have seen a remarkable growth in both open water swimming and running. Kingdom Games leads the charge, hosting a variety of events that draw participants from across North America, ranging from serene lake swims to scenic trail runs. Whether it’s swimming in pristine lakes or running along picturesque paths and back roads, Newport offers an unparalleled experience for athletes of all levels.


We love to Run the Kingdom (whether to stay in shape for skiing or just for the fun of it) and the Newport area has some wonderful paths, trails, and back roads perfect for The Run. Kingdom Games now hosts three highly acclaimed runs: the Dandelin Run in May on back roads through the dandelion fields of Derby, Morgan, and Holland; the Harry Corrow Freedom Run on the Waterfront Recreation Path up the east side of Lake Memphremagog and into Memphremagog Trails; and Fly to Pie – Kingdom Marathon, a “vista riddled” run on dirt roads through “the gut” of the Northeast Kingdom between the Northeast Kingdom International Airport in Coventry to Parker Pie in West Glover, all at the height of Fall Foliage. 

    Want to get involved or learn more?

    Visit Kingdom Games at kingdomgames.co


    Over the past 15 years, the Newport area has evolved into a “mecca” for open water swimmers. The water quality of our lakes, the low level of boat traffic, the beauty of our working agricultural landscape, along with a strong community of support offered by Kingdom Games and others have drawn thousands of open water swimmers and escort kayakers from around North America and around the World. Kingdom Games now hosts approximately 30 days of open water swims, including Kingdom Swim, NEK Swim Week, the Saturday Clubhouse Swim Series, In Search of Memphre, Vampire Swim, and the Memphremagog Winter Swimming Festival.